Thursday, May 14, 2015

Easy - Venue Planning !

One of the first and most important decision a couple needs to make for their wedding is the Venue ! 
Lets get started on making this decision a stress - free one. 

There are 4 main parameters you need to consider and decide before you go on a venue hunt - 

1. Outdoor-indoor/ Theme
Deciding on whether you want a garden wedding or a temple wedding, a big hall wedding or a beach wedding is a crucial first step. Discuss with your partner and your family and set the basic tone of the wedding. For theme based help check our previous post - Easy - Wedding Themes! 

2. Budget
Now that we have a rough idea of what kind of look we are going for we should allot a budget for it and stick to it. Reality is that any budget wedding can be amazing and unique with a lil bit of a creative effort :)
So keep in mind the maximum amount you wish to spend before you start the hunt. 

3. Number of guests - 
Halls come in all sizes ... Are you having an intimate family wedding or a lavish party with everyone you know and love ? 
You need to have a ballpark idea of how many people will come to the wedding!

4. Logistics - 
It all boils down to location location and location !!!
Do you have it in your home town, or the city you currently live in, should it be a destination wedding, where do the bulk of your guests reside? 
All these are important parameters to consider before narrowing down on the location ! 

With all these parameters in mind - contact your wedding planner/ or justdial (yellow pages) and check out at least 10-15 locations which fit in your expectations and are available on your wedding date ! This step is best done 6-8 months prior to the wedding/ or immediately after having a confirmed date ! 

For example
Assume these are your parameters - 
1. Indoor wedding; 2. x budget; 3. 400 guests; 4. Location - Mumbai 

Contact your planner/ justdial and find indoor venues in Mumbai with hall capacity of 400 people. 
Visit the places and make notes and take pictures. 
Compare and make a chart of things you like and don't like about each location and this will lead to your optimum location :) 

Minor things to check out while visiting the venues - Car park, Lighting, what does the cost include and what is in your scope, if possible make a second visit while another wedding is going on and ventilation/ cooling. 

Once you are clear about the 4 parameters, this is a fairly simple process and shouldn't take more than a few days .. so another stressful thing made easy! 

Happy Planning 

Team Thingie 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Easy Theme Selection !!

Is it possible .. To plan a wedding, invite 100s of loved ones, color coordinate, fix vendors and yet be relaxed ?? 

There is so much pressure to have the perfect wedding and so take a deep breath and smile as we will walk through major stress points of the wedding and simplify them all this month :) 

Today's Focus is a fun one - Theme !! 

With like a million themes to choose from and different color combinations, the first big decision to make is the theme/ color(s) of the wedding ? Should you go classic traditional or the new contemporary route .. have a simple gold theme wedding or go the neon color route ?? 

The answer is super easy - 

What color makes the bride happy, which color makes her glow..  :). That will be the color of her dress and will set tone for the wedding. The groom can pick a color that pairs well with this color and this way both of them get a lil bit of themselves reflected in every aspect of the wedding !! 

For Example - 

If she chooses pink ... pick another color that contrasts with it .. like mild light grey or even orange .. and there you go .. pink and grey wedding / pink and orange wedding your theme is set!!

If you like yellow and the current trend is purple .. Go Yellow!! 

Cause truth be told .. a smiling bride & groom maketh the wedding pretty not a celebrity look alike wedding or a pantone number ! 

And with the right support team - you will notice every color can be the new IT color! Check out these super colorful options - 

They are all so pretty .. you can't go wrong no matter what you choose! 

Happy Planning 

Team Thingie

Monday, May 4, 2015

Sand in feet weddings ...

Hello !

Planning a wedding? How about a beach wedding?

With so many pros working for it - Can fit it any budget, looks beautiful with no additional effort anytime, sunrise or sunset can be used to create exotic photos, can accommodate 50 - 500 people with ease, soooo much fun for all ages, I can go on & on about this but you get the point.

The options are endless! If you still have second thoughts, just look at these images ...

Source - Google

Source - Google

So minus hair flying fiasco,  beaches = Awesome!!

Until next time


Team Thingie

Sunday, May 3, 2015

At the beginning

Hello ! 

The Paper Thingie is 2 years of daydreaming, sourcing and scribbling in sketchbooks come to life. So now here we are... running around with a large case of papers and a laptop full of designs and a head full of ideas, making weddings a lil more special :) 

We dream big, work hard and intend to open up in so many new and exciting ways. This blog is gonna be all about weddings not just the pretty invites. 

So here's to much much more of us. 


Team Thingie    
((that doesn't sound weird at all, does it now?))